Archives: Best Practices

  • Lead the way

    Lead the way

    Test results that are compared against industry benchmarks. Our easy-to-interpret report helps you find differentiators and become market leaders.

  • Listen and learn

    Listen and learn

    Rooted in behavioral science, our market research approach removes bias by gathering observational data so you can understand consumer behavior and preferences.

  • Fail fast, fewer times

    Fail fast, fewer times

    Quickly push ideas through the funnel and get an early read on what might be successful. Using integrated automation, we deliver results in as little as two weeks.

  • Ready, set, go to market

    Ready, set, go to market

    Simultaneously test multiple ideas to prioritize which features, benefits, new products, and improvements you should spend the most time exploring.

  • Follow the growth

    Follow the growth

    Go from ideas to insights in as little as two weeks. Stay agile while aligning messaging across channels and creating content that connects and converts.

  • Lead the way

    Lead the way

    Map your strategy with test results compared against industry benchmarks. Our easy-to-interpret report helps you find differentiators and pave your own path.

  • Get engaged

    Get engaged

    Know your audience. Market research based on observational data removes bias, so you can understand consumer behavior and engage in a way that connects.

  • Get personal

    Get personal

    Find the right messaging. Simultaneously test multiple creative ideas – features, benefits, value props, and more – to prioritize messaging that resonates.

  • Beyond compare

    Beyond compare

    Presented to you in an easy-to-interpret report, we compare your results to industry benchmarks to help you stay competitive and find success in the market.

  • Leverage tech for speed

    Leverage tech for speed

    Orchard researchers use automated systems that integrate with our proprietary testing platform, cutting down on project time.